RightAnswer® Knowledge Solutions Access and User Registration

Access Information
  1. U.S. Based Organizations: If you don't have an active account and want to purchase access (opens in a new tab) → Purchase Access Options
  2. International Accounts: We can provide access to users outside the U.S. who have an active account. If you want to purchase access AND cannot do so through a US-based organization, please reach out to one of our international distributors for more information → Purchase Access Options – International Account Subscriptions
  3. If you are a U.S. First Responder or U.S. Academic – we offer FREE access to qualified users via our OnPointEHS PORTALS. For more information and to register for access → Portal Options and Access
  4. Common Questions:
    • How do I know if I have an Active Account? → Answer
    • My organization has an Active Account, but I don't know if my user registration is active – what do I do? → Answer
    • What happens if I have multiple email formats within my orgranization(s) and I have an Active Account → Answer
    • I know I have an Active Account, AND, I know I registered – why couldn't I login? → Answer

User Registration

To register for access, your organization must have an Active Account.
  1. Be sure to register with your organization's assigned and identifiable email domain. Your email must match the email domain(s) used to establish or maintain the Active Account.
  2. Generic domain email addresses (for example: gmail, yahoo, and hotmail) cannot be used for Active Account domains – therefore, you will not be able to register using these types of email addresses.
  3. Please ACCURATELY and COMPLETELY fill out all registration form fields. Incomplete or incorrect information may result in access denial.
  4. If there are any registration failures, OR login problems once you are registered, you will receive additional information (for example: an error message, a notice on the login page, or an email) → Please follow the instructions you receive in those messages, notices, or emails.

* = Required Fields

First Name *
Last Name *
Organization Name *
Phone # *
include area code and extension
E-mail *
If you belong to an organization with a company-wide domain name account, you must register with your company's domain name email address to be given immediate access.
Job Role/Function *
Address *
City *
State/Province *
Postal Code *
Country *
If outside the US - International Region *
By checking this box, you are opting in to receive promotional and other information from RightAnswer.com, Inc. Any notices for general product announcements, alerts or scheduled maintenance will be provided on the login screen.
* I have read and agree to the RightAnswer.com, Inc., Privacy and Cookie Policy and acknowledge that a cookie will be placed on my computer in order to accommodate my personal preferences.
* I have read and agree to the Warranties and Disclaimer and understand and accept the terms and conditions within.
* I have read and agree to the Knowledge Solutions License Terms and Conditions and agree to abide by these terms and conditions for use.
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Thank you for registering!
Still have questions? Reach out to RightAnswer by completing our CONTACT US form.
  • Please provide complete and accurate information for ALL fields – and specifically the "Please Contact Me Regarding" section. The more information you provide, the more likely we can match you. For instance: please specify parent, partner or related organization domain names, etc.
  • Without complete and correct information, we will not be able to research existing Active Accounts to match you to your organization.
  • Note: If the information provided is not legitimate, the request will fail.
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